Our Story

David and I, we both grew up in Evangelical Christian families. Our stories are in some way similar and in other ways different. Though we were both blessed to have grow up in believing families, it was during a teenage years that we came to develop a faith in Jesus that we could call "our own".  We both knew then that having faith in Jesus meant a commitment to Him in every area of our lives. Also, from a young age we had a desire to serve the church and share the good news that the gospel brings with people in our lives. These are similar things that we were experiencing at that time... as we did not know each other yet and we were living in different countries in Europe. David in Greece, me in Spain.

When we were students at the university, we were part of the Christian Union (IFES.) In the summer of  2005, IFES organized a conference in Poland called "FORMACION" where Christian students from all overEurope gathered together to know more about the Christian movement in universities and get to know each other. David and I met for the first time in that conference. Though we did not talk much and we did not keep in touch after the conference, next summer we met again in Cambridge. Once again, we met through the student ministry. That time, we were helping in an outreach that every summer try to reach international students in the city. During those two weeks, we had some time to talk as we were serving in different areas. We enjoyed a lot to talk together about things that were important to us. Through this conversations we started to get to know each other and we kept in touch this time. As the time passed, God led us to each other and brought us together.

In 2008, David and I decided to attend the Greek Bible College. We got engaged that year and after exactly one year and one month we got married at the city of Athens in Greece. We decided that Greece was the country we should live and wanted to see what the Lord had in store for us there. David and I started working in secular jobs. We continues serving the church in our free time. David as a worship leader ( he had done this since his university years) and I was involved a little with Sunday School and trying to learn Greek.

The Lord blessed us with a precious baby boy, Nathanael in 2012. We continue working and serving with joy our church in our free time.  As the time passed, we both felt we wished we could get more involved in church especially seeing some needs and believing that the Lord could use us to help however we did not have so much time as we wished to help due to our jobs. We trusted the Lord with that and knew that the Lord would provide with people to fulfill these needs. However, still something in our hearts and minds was burning. We believe it was God's calling. However, as southern  evangelical Europeans, we did not think that God's calling could lead us to a full time ministry. This is something still rare in our countries, especially in the area we were being called to serve, music. 

In 2014,  our second child, a beautiful girl, Nora was born and Sara left her secular job and started working few hours in a Christian organization that helped sex- trafficked women to find healing . Most of the women in that organization were refugees. At the same time, David started working in another Christian organization that helped refugee unaccompanied minors in Athens.  We were thankful for those organizations and God was using our time there to open our eyes and hearts to a reality we knew very little about. As we were involved in these organizations, we kept serving in the church but it was especially hard for David because many Sundays he had to miss church and could not help with the music at all, which has always been his calling. 

Our pastor, realizing the situation shared with David some ideas and made us both think if we would consider leave our jobs and find support so that David could dedicate himself to the ministry of music not only in our local church in Kypseli but also creating something that can work for the whole of Greece, something like a network where Christian musicians can be encouraged and well equipped to serve better their local churches. Our pastor did not know it at the time, but this was David's vision since his university years. He just thought that maybe that could never happened in Greece! Our pastor, helped us both realize that we could move forward in faith and see if God opens doors for us. God did!

We left our jobs in 2019 and started a new journey. The Lord has blessed us beyond our imagination. AINOS, the Greek Worship Network, was created and we have started seeing fruit from it. Many musicians from different churches have come together to discuss ideas, share their visions, be provided with resources and be encouraged to serve better and have a stronger sense of community. David wants to encourage as well to write new songs from Greeks to Greeks. 

During this time, Sara apart from being a stay home mom, has also been involved  in our local church. She started a woman Bible study in 2019 that by God's grace has blessed many women in the community and  to this day still encourage them to go deeper into God's word. She is now in charge of Sunday School in Kypseli church and thoroughly enjoys ministry with kids. 

We are so thankful for the way the Lord has provided. We are thankful for brothers and sisters around the word that have encouraged us in this vision through their words, prayers and financial support. We understand that whatever God has called us to do, is beyond us...we long to build something that would stay even when we will not be any longer there. We wished that our generation and especially the next can benefit from what we do so that they do not start from zero, especially in the music ministry. 

May the songs we sing proclaim the glory of the Lord, may the gospel come forth through the music we do, may God's name be exalted and may the church grow in a healthy way getting ready for Jesus's return!