"Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts"

Colossians 3:16

Kypseli Church

This is the local church we have been attending and serving in Athens the last six years. Kypseli church started as a church plant from the First Evangelical Church of Athens. It is located in one of the most populated areas of the city called Kypseli (beehive). Kypseli is a neighborhood  right in the center of the city, where many refugees and immigrants live. We believe this to be a strategic place to reach out to Greeks as well as different nationalities with the message of the gospel.

Bible Studies - Sunday School

Another part of our vision focuses on encouraging people to read and understand the Bible. In order to achieve this, we will be involved in leading and supporting small Bible study groups. This last season we have been especially involved in teaching in Sunday School and helping prepare Bible lessons at kids' programs in our local church. 


We long to see nationals gain biblical and practical training on the topic of music and worship. 

We want to encourage musicians to serve God in their local churches, so that the whole church will grow in a healthy way through songs which speak truth to the heart of all people in our society. 

Also, a part of this project is to encourage the writing of new Christian songs from Greeks to Greeks. 


On Youtube, you can find some of David's songs. Some of them are being used during worship services in some Protestant churches here in Greece. We pray that by God's grace, people can come closer to Him as they listen to them..

Kypseli Church Music

Our prayer is that through Christian music, both believers and church visitors will have a clearer image of who God is and what He has done. Here are some of the songs that have been recorded in our church. We are thankful to God for each person in our local church that with passion and faithfulness serve in this area.